Centerboard Trunk and Thwart





The centerboard trunk comprises two sides of 3/8" ply separated by 1 1/8" mahogany spacers, mahogany trim on the outsides, and ash top pieces. The curved ash cap is a bent lamination. This was quite a glue-up, but it all worked. Before I glued the two halves of the trunk together, I finished the interior with two coats of unthickened epoxy.

Then came the test - setting the CB trunk in the bottom of the boat. It fit! I fastened it to the keelson with thickened epoxy and a dozen sizeable bronze screws. As soon as it was in place, I made the center thwart and its cleats. The thwart (and its knees) will be screwed to the boat for easy removal for later refinishing.

This photo shows the thwart, its cleats and two other recent additions. The large frame was laminated in place and is required for the sloop rig. The chainplates are through-bolted two it and stiffen the hull for the side stays. Also, the fore and aft strips along the middle of the garboard are stiffeners. I used 3/8" ply for the garboards rather than 1/2" so the stiffeners are required. They run from the aft floor all the way to the forward floor.

While I still have some sanding and filleting to do in the bottom of the boat, but I went ahead and installed temporary floorboards so I'd have a comfortable surface to stand on while I work on the decks. Click here to continue on with the story.